Alliance Partners
ATUNE International
CEO Guy Van der Beken, Belgium
Established in 2006, after organizing international events, particularly conferences and exhibitions as well as product launches, congresses and B2B events, Guy Van der Beken decided to create an international consulting company in order to assist clients in the MICE sector and with startup projects abroad.
Mr. Van der Beken has successfully launched numerous brands and businesses in Brazil, China, Spain, Switzerland, Germany, France. He is not only an expert in business matters but also cultural matters, in which familiarity is essential when considering establishing a new business abroad. He is the business partner of AED Group for Audio Visual support and services. Together with his partner, Mr. Van der Beken has a vast experience in organizing events around the world as well as in developing marketing strategies and launching and executing businesses. The Atune Team is a specialist in international trade. They are also the partner of a private helicopter service in Belgium, including a private airport with a medical rescue helicopter.
Gorodissky & Partners
CEO Valery Medvedev, R.F.
A home grown Russian IP boutique Gorodissky & Partners with its headquarters in Moscow, 12 branch offices in Russia and 1 — in Ukraine remains heading top positions in every aspect of protection, disposal and enforcement of IP rights. Our main jurisdictions are Russia and Ukraine but thanks to the existed trustworthy network we represent clients around Eurasia.
Heritage Capital
CEO Mark Darko MBA
The "Heritage Capital Management" is one of our leading partners for implementing the independent African Rating Agency A.R.A.
H.C.M. are represented in Ghana (with HQ in Accra), in South-Africa (Johannesburg), Milano (Italy) and USA (California). Heritage Capital Management maintains leadership positions in projects and corporate finance, financial placement facilitation, research, trade and structured finance and corporate due diligence.
The CEO of H.C.M., Mr. Mark Darko, is our nominated Executive Director of ARA. As an entrepreneur and 'state of the art Manager he was previously featured in the lifestyle & luxury global magazin "Passion Vista".
New Ecological Forum
Rector Christian Wabl, Austria
Mr. Wabl is an intellectual, political Person with a strong background in Art and Culture. Since several years he is trying to translate the Bible in a common point of view within the existing transcriptions in Hebrew – Latin – German to give a more authentic understanding to the audience.
Together with Eureka he was founding on the 26th of February, 2020 in Moscow (World Trade Center) the so called: New Ecological Forum.
Archbishop Svetislav, (OCC in 51 countries)
The Association was set up in 1999 by the IP Law Firm "Gorodissky & Partners". According to the annual survey of intellectual property professionals worldwide conducted by Managing Intellectual Property Magazine, "Gorodissky & Partners" has been consistently ranked Russia's No.1 firm in patents and trademarks since 1998.
Primarius Consul Gunter Nebel, Chancellor em. O.E.S.G., Austria
Acute care, rehabilitation, nursing – SANLAS Holding GmbH with its registered office in Graz presents itself in terms of these aspects.
Under the direction of OMR Prim. Prof. Dr. Günter Nebel, SANLAS Holding has become one of the most renowned companies in the Austrian health and social sector. This outstanding reputation is based on many years of experience, expertise and high quality requirements. In total, SANLAS Holding operates more than 1,100 beds with around 1,000 employees in 12 medical facilities in Austria and two hotels.
State of African Diaspora
H.E. Dr. Georges-Louis Tin, (55 countries in Africa)
Within the African Union, there are 6 regions: North Africa, West Africa, Central Africa, East Africa, Southern Africa, plus one last region, the "Sixth Region", which constitutes the African Diaspora.
The political, economic and cultural importance of this Diaspora is increasingly recognized. It contributes greatly to the development of Africa and this is why the African Union has symbolically included the Diaspora in its organisation.
For many years this "Sixth Region" of the AU existed only on paper. Uncoordinated, it remained a virtual reality. It was therefore necessary to give substance to this institution, and move from a de facto diaspora to a de jure diaspora.
Since then, with an international team, Dr Louis-Georges Tin has formed a Government, and launched development projects in all areas with the support of many African Authorities, such as the Republic of Mauritania, the Republic of Somalia, the Pan African Council of Traditional or Customary Authorities, the Hight Council of Wise Men etc., that all support this initiative.
In july 2018, during the Summit of the African Union, Dr Louis-Georges Tin launched this initiative : the State of the African Diaspora was borne.
The new Government was formed in July, 2023 and PM Dr. Tin was on the 7th of June re-elected and has formed his new Cabinet.
The first official act was to sign two contracts of strategic alliance with EUREKA Regarding its syndicates: ARA and ERA.
The new and modern System of Rating by EUREKAs syndicates is granting new arenas for better scoring. SOAD (State of African Diaspora) is responsible regarding SRH (Social Responsibility History) to values the companies history in Africa regarding slavery and colonialism.
Dir. CCO Georg Storandt, HQ RedBull worlwide
EUREKA has the honor to work on the legacy of late Dkfm. Dieter Mateschitz, who has connected Dir. Storandt and Prof. Platzer in 2022 to develope Africa for his Energy drink.. Prof. Platzer as a student was awarded by Dkfm. Mateschitz among thousands of creative spots to do Marketing for his new innovative product, who leads everybody to his own wings for further success. Here the PR spot from mid of 80s:
RedBull is an unique success story. Besides core Business RB is running two F1 Teams, 3 Football Clubs and one TV channel "servus TV" an another 20 divisions with various companies inside, such as "Projekt Spielberg Gmbh" (Info: the Austrian GrandPrix racing place).
Last year for the first time RedBull was selling more than 10 Billion cans worldwide, and the brand is one of the most worthful all over.
General Manager Vadim Gousev, R.F.
Technopol is the daughter company of world largest IP Law firm, Gorodissky & Partners, R.F.
Since more than 20 years Technopol is an integral part of Governmental and private support of proprietary technology inside Russian Federation.
Together with Technopol Eureka was creating and launching the TEPone Fund successfully, with relevant Spin-Offs of leading Russian Universities.
One historical sidestep: During Gusev diplomatic career on the beginning he was serving at the Soviet Embassy and he was able to see each week once Fidel Castro; and if he is asked for a photo of this at least historical person, he has to say: "Sorry at that time we do not have handiest…!"
President & Chairman Philippe Baltz Nielsen, www.
The Number One Club
By Invitation Only
• The Number One Club (TNOC) is a private international community of culturally influential people and closed circle of decision-makers.
• Members are like-minded, well-heeled individuals who like to enjoy the finer things in life. Our members range from extremely successful entrepreneurs, famous celebrities to the world's best-known business leaders.
• The purpose of The Number One Business Club (TNOBC) is to unite decision makers across the world into an exclusive network to promote, supply and create new business opportunities amongst members through private introductions and international exclusive business networking events. The epitome of exclusive connections.
• THE NUMBER ONE CLUB BUSINESS CLUB: Brokering private investment opportunities in: – Fine art – Gemstones – Yachts – Private Jets – Luxury Hotels – Real Estate – IT investment – and much more …
The founder of TNOC are Mr. Philippe Baltz Nielsen, Island and Mrs. Sofia Georgiou, GB. Totally 2 members are from EUREKA: Prof. Platzer and President Guy Van der Beken.
Add. info's via fb: Philippe Baltz Nielsen
Spin-Offs worldwide
Tomsk State University (TSU) is the largest classical university in the Asian part of Russia and the acknowledged center of science, education, and innovation. It was founded by the decree of Emperor Alexander II as Imperial Tomsk University on the 28th of May, 1878.
31 members of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, and the Academy of Sciences of the CIS, over 50 State Prize winners, and 2 Nobel Prize winners have been affiliated with TSU. More than 150,000 TSU graduates and the university itself have significantly contributed to the progress in education,…
Spin-Offs worldwide
University Putra Malaysia (UPM; formally known as Universiti Pertanian Malaysia or College of Agriculture Malaya or School of Agriculture) is recognized by the independent government assessments as one of Malaysia's leading research universities offering undergraduate and postgraduate courses with a focus on agricultural sciences and its related fields.